Global Herbs

Full Product Data Sheets & Product Guides

Breathing Guidance

Breathing - Download PDF Data Sheet here

Airway Plus and Airway Plus Liquid are one of the only supplements where the liquid
and powder have a slightly different action. The powder is better for issues lower down
in the chest, with a cough and mucus, and the liquid for upper respiratory issues in the
throat and windpipe.

The Pollenex and Dust-X

These are more for allergy related issues and the powder versions are more
concentrated, so fed to the average horse at just 1 scoop 2 x daily. They can be used
alongside Airway Plus power or liquid if necessary. If you think a customer might need
both, it can be good to advise a system to implement one first (for example Airway Plus
at 2 scoops 2 x daily) then as they near the third week on the supplement add in the
Dust X as well at 1 scoop 2 x daily. Then when the Airway Plus finishes, just finish off the
Dust-X on its own. This should give the owner two weeks of the Airway Plus on its own,
two weeks of the Dust-X on its own and 1 week of them both together. This should give
an idea of which one works best, or if the results are better when used together.

Shake Free is usually referred to in the behaviour section, but this behaviour is most
often related to a breathing issue, normally associated with pollen. The Pollenex is
normally recommended first, but if this doesn’t help, then the ShakeFree , which
contains the Pollenex herbs, but also contains herbs from our Alphabute (Boswellia
Serrata) which help to calm and soothe tingly and uncomfortable nerves and
membranes in the nostrils. If the horse has a head shaking issue due to a nerve
problem, which is not related to breathing, they are probably better with high levels of
Alphabute Super.

Chopped Liquorice Root – Healthy Airways aiding clear and easy breathing.
Liquorice Powder – Supporting the respiratory system.

Download PDF Data Sheet here

Digestion Guidance

Digestion - Download PDF Data Sheet here

Digestive issues can be at the root cause of many issues – however, digestive issues
themselves most often present in the condition of the horse (weight, coat condition, brightness) and the droppings.

Restore was one of Global Herbs foundation products, and as well as supporting the
digestion, it also supports the liver in its job of detoxing the body. Most often it is fed as
a course in the liquid form, and the best way to feed is to an average horse at 25mls 2 x
daily, this will last a 20 day course in a 1L bottle.

Sometimes more simple formulas can be the answer, and Fennel Seeds are an

excellent value straight product. They smell wonderful (if you like aniseed type smells)
and horses will often eat a small amount from the palm of your hand. Otherwise it can
just be put in the feed as per a normal supplement. It can be great for horses prone to gas, or when horses come in from new grazing bloated.

From our Straights Purple Label Range (see website for full details)

Fenugreek Seeds
Mint Chopped
Brewers Yeast
Fennel Seeds
Gut Support
Turmeric Gold
Apple Cider Vinegar

Download PDF Data Sheet here

Everyday Essentials

Every Day Essentials - Download PDF Data Sheet

GlobalVite is our broad spectrum vitamin and mineral formula which contains chelated
minerals. This means these minerals are bound to proteins which makes them more
digestible so that the horse is able to utilise them better. If a horse is not already getting
vitamins and minerals from their hard feed, GlobalVite is essential, even for a horse out
at grass or out of work.

Our Veteran Plus product combines both Restore and ImmuPlus, which helps
rejuvenate the inside of the older horse that has had a life time of stresses on the
immune system and toxins for the liver to deal with. Veteran Plus is not a direct joint
supplement and does not provide vitamins and minerals, so MoveFree Plus and or
GlobalVite may be needed in addition.

Feed Balancer

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Garlic Cider Vinegar

Brewers Yeast


Turmeric Gold

Essentials Quick Guide

The guide below shows what issues might be best supported by products in the
‘essentials’ section

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Laminitis Guidance

Laminitis - Download PDF Data Sheet here

In all cases of laminitis, regardless of the cause, we recommend Lamipro Supplement.
This is because it offers liver and digestive support, aiding the body and liver in
removing toxins from the system.. These toxins cause increased blood flow down the
leg (hence the pounding digital pulse), but this then makes the blood pressure too high
to supply the tiny capillaries that supply the laminae. Note, Lamipro Supplement is
very similar to Restore so the two products do not need to be fed at the same time.

Most normal laminitis is down to too much rich grass or grass with high sugar levels.
This can vary depending on the time of the year as well as by each horse’s own body
condition and environment. Lamipro can be fed at a level according to the risk that is
present, so if the spring or autumn flush of grass is coming through, or the horse is
looking a little ‘pottery’ or like it might be likely to get laminitis, feed 25mls 2 x daily.
When later in the summer the risk is lower feed 10mls 2 x daily, or when the risk is very
low over the winter tick over on 5mls 2 x daily or come of it altogether (just watch for any frosts that can increase the sugars in the grass). It is important to understand that
Lamipro and our supplements are just part of a management regime for laminitis and it
is still important to restrict grazing, feed low sugar and high fibre foods, as well as taking
all other possible steps to reduce the risk of laminitis.

In cases of EMS (Equine Metabolic Syndrome), Insulin Resistance or Equine Diabetes, the grass and diet can still cause a risk so maintain Lamipro on similar levels as above,
but probably don’t drop lower than 15mls (or 1 scoop of powder) twice daily. Metabolic
Tonic is the product to support with EMS and can also work well with Lamipro and if
needed Cushpro together. Metabolic Tonic is a natural formula that helps horses
maintain good condition and fitness through the maintenance of stable blood glucose,
insulin levels, normal body fat distribution.

Supportive products for Laminitis are Alphabute Super, for circulation and comfort, if the horse is in a lot of discomfort. The Alphabute Super helps soothe uncomfortable
feet and helps with circulation. It may be used when the horse is very uncomfortable
(perhaps lying down nearly all the time) 1. Cushings

Horses with laminitis who also have Cushing’s will still need the Lamipro, but also the Cushpro Supplement. This is based on the herb Agnus Castus, or ‘Chasteberry’ for
maintaining balanced hormones. The powder form also contains immune support
herbs which are very useful for horses with Cushings, as their immune systems can
become compromised and they become prone to things like foot abscesses. The
Alphabute can also be fed alongside the Cushpro (it does contain a small amount of
the immune herbs but not enough to worry about doubling up).

Alphabute Super
Herbal Lami Mix
Metabolic Tonic

Download PDF Data Sheet here

Mobility Guidance

Mobility - Download PDF data sheet here

Tendon and ligament injuries will benefit from the immune support in Tendoneaze. This provides the building blocks for such tissue, along with MSM, which is a naturally
occurring form of sulphur found in many plants.

Tendoneaze is normally recommend as it combines these nutrients, however if the
owner would prefer we sell MSM on its own.

Alphabute Super
Apple Cider Vinegar
Herbal Electrolyte
Movefree Plus

Download PDF data sheet here

Overlapping Product Guidance

Overlapping Products: Download PDF table here

Some products contain some of the
same ingredients as others in our range. This will not do any harm to feed both but is
unnecessary and in some cases expensive. It is far better just to feed what is needed.
The table attached shows some of the products that overlap with others.

Overlapping Products: Download PDF table here

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